"El Momento de la Verdad"
Alberto N Jones
13 de Enero del 2009
La monstrousa destruccion sin precedentes que esta teniendo lugar ante nuestros ojos en Haiti, se convertira rapidamente en un reto definitorio para la humanidad, al determinar quienes somos y cuales son nuestros principios.
Durante mucho tiempo, los humanos hemos estado prestos a pelear y matarnos, mientras los mas hemos permanecido silente ante la muerte de miles de personas inocentes por hambre, enfermedades, ignorancia y disastres.
Esta catastrofe sin embargo no nos permitira huir de el o pretender que no sabiamos. El es muy grande, muy horrendo para que algun gobierno alrededor del mundo pueda alegar, que no se le informo o desconocian lo que estaba ocurriendo.
Durante los ultimos 20 anos, Cuba ha hecho mas por Haiti que cada uno de los paises desarrollados del mundo. Cuba ha aportado cientos de profesionales y tecnicos para apoyar cada uno de las areas de desarrollo. Cuba ha graduado mas de 150 medicos y actualmente existen unos 1000 estudiantes de medicina en los distintos niveles de desarrollo, en forma absolutamente gratuita.
Cuba se ha comprometido con Haiti a formarles 100 medicos por ano durante los proximos veinte anos, asi como cientos de maestros, enfermeras y otros profesionales, aun cuando una galopante crisis financiera afecta al pais.
En medio del importante desarrollo cientifico-tecnico que se le ha ofrecido a Haiti y otros 40 paises sub-desarrollados en Cuba, los Estados Unidos, aun bajo el afable Presidente Barack Obama, continua invirtiendo millones de dollares en actividades subversivas, designadas a desestablizar, debilitar y derrocar al gobierno.
Los gobiernos Europeos que se beneficiaron ampliamente de los recursos naturales de Haiti y del resto de America Latina, han preferido convertirse en tribunos, llevar a Cuba ante cuantos forum internacionales existan, acusarla de las peores violaciones de los derechos humanos, mientras ignoran y hacen poco por millones de seres humanos viviendo en abyecta pobreza en Haiti y el resto del tercer mundo.
Nadie pretende presentar a Cuba como un pais perfecto o modelo. Tampoco pretendemos excusarla de excesos que haya podido cometer; pero nadie en su sano juicio puede negar el aplastante apoyo en sudor, lagrimas, sangre y vidas que Cuba ha aportado a Africa, Asia y America Latina en defensa de su independencia, soberania, salud, educacion, cultura y deportes.
La tragedia de Haiti nos ha ensenado a partir de ayer, que nuestros ilustres discuros altisonantes en bellas salas de conferencias alrededor del mundo exigiendo libertad e independencia en un vacio, prescribiendo nuestras filosofia politicas a espaldas de este drama humano, poco sirven para las victimas de esta tragedia o los otros millones que aguardan una muerte segura, previsible alrededor del mundo.
Despues de cincuenta anos tratando de construir una Cuba a su imagen y semejanza, esta ha fracasado estrepitosamente en tanto nada ha contribuido al bienestar del pueblo de Cuba o para los de otros lugares. Trabajemos pues para superar nuestras imperfecciones, sin imponernos valores valores foraneos o pretender que somos guardianes de la verdad absoluta.
Mientras decenas de miles de personas yacen expuestos a nuestro crudo medio ambiente tropical rodeado de cadaveres en estado de descomposicion, sin agua, alimento, faltos de higiene y de medios para evacuar desperdicios en Puerto Principe, preocupa un inmediato agravamiento de la actual crisis.
Es por ello que estamos implorando a todos los moralistas de este mundo, portadores de firmes valores inconmovibles, incapaces de negociar con aquellos de criterios divergentes y las demas personas de Buena fe, que observen cuidadosamente el mundo real, tal cual existe hoy en Haiti.
La provincia de Guantanamo se encuentra a menos de 150 millas del escenario de este desastre. Cuba, con la excepcion de los Estados Unidos, acumula la mayor reserva de personal tecnico, profesional y de cuidados de salud de la region y que posee un cumulo de experiencia nacional e internacional en disastres naturales, superior a todos los demas.
Cuba esta necesitada de recursos materiales basicos como ropa, alimentos, medicinas, que cualquier otro pais solidario pudiera aportar. Superemos decadas demonizando a Cuba e intentando destruir aquella nacion por actuar y pensar distinto a los demas.
En ningun otro lugar en el mundo nuestra inversion pudiera producir resultados mas prometedores que en Cuba. Si las Naciones Unidas, CARICOM y cada organizacion humanitaria del mundo, decidieran iniciar discusiones serias, respetuosas, honestas, con Cuba, que condujeran a la reubicacion de miles de victimas del terremoto en Haiti hacia edificios escolares disponibles, donde estos pudieran recibir todas los servicios humanos basicos y sanitarios, en tanto, todos los paises, especialmente los desarrollos, financiaran este proyecto humanitario sin precedentes en la historia, miles de vidas podrian rescatarse de una muerte segura.
Mas alla de las necesidades inmediatas, Haiti necesitara ayuda a largo plazo para ayudarlo a restanar sus heridas. Decenas de miles de hectareas de terrenos agricolas baldios en Cuba podrian ser arrendados con similar proposito a los damnificados, lo que les permitiria obtener empleos, apoyar economicamente a sus familiares en Haiti y producir alimentos, fortaleciendo la seguridad alimenticia de la region.
Si solo fuesemos capaces de hacer esto, no solo estariamos ayudando a las victimas, estariamos al mismo tiempo sentando las bases para solucionar nuestras diferencias socio-politicas a traves del dialogo franco, la compression y el comienzo de la transformacion de nuestras armas de Guerra en aperos de labranza para bien de la humanidad.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
A Moment of Reckoning
"A Moment of Reckoning"
Alberto N. Jones
January 13, 2010
The monstrous and unprecedented destruction that is unfolding in Haiti before our eyes, will rapidly become one of mankind defining challenges, of who we are and what we stand for.
For much too long, human beings have been ready to fight and kill each other, while we have remained indifferent to the silent deaths of thousands of innocent people through hunger, disease, ignorance and disasters.
This catastrophe will not allow us to run away or pretend we did not know. It is too big, too shocking for any one government around the world to ever say, they were not told or did not know what happened.
For the past twenty years, Cuba have done more for Haiti than every developed country in the world. Cuba have supplied Haiti with hundreds of professionals and technical support in every field of development. Cuba have graduated over 150 physicians and presently have close to 1000 medical students from Haiti in different levels of training, all free of charge.
Cuba have promised Haiti to train 100 physicians per year for the next 20 years and hundreds of teachers, nurses and other professionals, albeit its crushing financial downfall.
As this incredible human development for Haiti and another 40 Third World countries is taking place in Cuba, the United States, even under our affable President Barack Obama, continue to invest millions of dollars in subversive activities designed to destabilize, weaken and overthrow that country.

The province of Guantanamo lies less than 150 miles away from the area of disaster. Cuba has the largest technical, professional and healthcare human resources in the area, except for the US.
Cuba is in dire need of basic resources such as clothing, food, medicines, which any caring country could provide. Let’s overcome decades of demonizing Cuba and attempting to destroy that country for thinking and acting differently than others.
No where in the world could our investment achieve higher return if the United Nations and every worldwide humanitarian organization in the world would open an honest, fair and respectful discussion with Cuba, that would enable the relocation of thousands of the earthquake victims in Haiti to vacant school buildings in Cuba where they could receive all basic human needs, as every country, especially the developed ones, can contribute to the financial operation of this unprecedented humanitarian project.
Beyond the immediate needs, Haiti will need longtime help to get back on their feet. Tens of thousands of fallow acreage in Cuba could be leased to provide jobs for these victims and food security for our region under a similar international goodwill project.
If we did that, we would not only help the victims, we would have laid the groundwork for beginning to solve most of our socio-political ills, through peaceful dialogue, understanding and turning our weapons into plows on behalf of mankind.
Alberto N. Jones
January 13, 2010
The monstrous and unprecedented destruction that is unfolding in Haiti before our eyes, will rapidly become one of mankind defining challenges, of who we are and what we stand for.
For much too long, human beings have been ready to fight and kill each other, while we have remained indifferent to the silent deaths of thousands of innocent people through hunger, disease, ignorance and disasters.
This catastrophe will not allow us to run away or pretend we did not know. It is too big, too shocking for any one government around the world to ever say, they were not told or did not know what happened.
For the past twenty years, Cuba have done more for Haiti than every developed country in the world. Cuba have supplied Haiti with hundreds of professionals and technical support in every field of development. Cuba have graduated over 150 physicians and presently have close to 1000 medical students from Haiti in different levels of training, all free of charge.
Cuba have promised Haiti to train 100 physicians per year for the next 20 years and hundreds of teachers, nurses and other professionals, albeit its crushing financial downfall.
As this incredible human development for Haiti and another 40 Third World countries is taking place in Cuba, the United States, even under our affable President Barack Obama, continue to invest millions of dollars in subversive activities designed to destabilize, weaken and overthrow that country.
European governments who benefited handsomely from Haiti and Latin American natural resources, have chosen to sit in judgment, take Cuba to every international forum, accuse it of the worst human rights violations, while doing literally nothing for millions living in abject poverty in Haiti and the rest of the underdeveloped world.
No one pretends to portray Cuba as a perfect country. No one pretends to excuse excesses that may have taken place in Cuba, but no one in his/her right mind can deny either the overwhelming support in sweat, tears, blood and lives, that Cuba has provided to Africa, Asia and Latin America, in defense of their independence, sovereignty, health, education, culture and sports.
The Haitian tragedy has taught us since yesterday, that our grandstanding, illustrious speeches in beautiful conference halls around the world, demanding freedom and liberty in a vacuum, prescribing our phillosophy, have done nothing for the victims of this tragedy and millions of others awaiting certain death around the world.
Fifty years trying to construct a Cuba in our image has failed, while it has done no good to Cubans and people elsewhere. Let’s work to overcome our imperfections, without imposing on others or pretending to be guardians of absolute truths.
As thousands of people are exposed to our grueling tropical environment with rotting bodies, lack of sanitation, water or food in Port au Prince, I am pleading with all moralists of the world, holders of firm values and unwilling to compromise with anyone with differing views, to take a look at the real world, as we see it in Haiti today.
No one pretends to portray Cuba as a perfect country. No one pretends to excuse excesses that may have taken place in Cuba, but no one in his/her right mind can deny either the overwhelming support in sweat, tears, blood and lives, that Cuba has provided to Africa, Asia and Latin America, in defense of their independence, sovereignty, health, education, culture and sports.
The Haitian tragedy has taught us since yesterday, that our grandstanding, illustrious speeches in beautiful conference halls around the world, demanding freedom and liberty in a vacuum, prescribing our phillosophy, have done nothing for the victims of this tragedy and millions of others awaiting certain death around the world.
Fifty years trying to construct a Cuba in our image has failed, while it has done no good to Cubans and people elsewhere. Let’s work to overcome our imperfections, without imposing on others or pretending to be guardians of absolute truths.
As thousands of people are exposed to our grueling tropical environment with rotting bodies, lack of sanitation, water or food in Port au Prince, I am pleading with all moralists of the world, holders of firm values and unwilling to compromise with anyone with differing views, to take a look at the real world, as we see it in Haiti today.

The province of Guantanamo lies less than 150 miles away from the area of disaster. Cuba has the largest technical, professional and healthcare human resources in the area, except for the US.
Cuba is in dire need of basic resources such as clothing, food, medicines, which any caring country could provide. Let’s overcome decades of demonizing Cuba and attempting to destroy that country for thinking and acting differently than others.
No where in the world could our investment achieve higher return if the United Nations and every worldwide humanitarian organization in the world would open an honest, fair and respectful discussion with Cuba, that would enable the relocation of thousands of the earthquake victims in Haiti to vacant school buildings in Cuba where they could receive all basic human needs, as every country, especially the developed ones, can contribute to the financial operation of this unprecedented humanitarian project.
Beyond the immediate needs, Haiti will need longtime help to get back on their feet. Tens of thousands of fallow acreage in Cuba could be leased to provide jobs for these victims and food security for our region under a similar international goodwill project.
If we did that, we would not only help the victims, we would have laid the groundwork for beginning to solve most of our socio-political ills, through peaceful dialogue, understanding and turning our weapons into plows on behalf of mankind.
Friday, January 8, 2010
The Pot Calling the Kettle....
"The Pot calling the Kettle...."
Alberto N. Jones
A unilateral, absurd and baseless set of assumptions are used every year by bureaucrats of the US State Department, to label primarily small and poor nations around the world as Sponsors of Terrorism or quietly remove them from this financially crippling grouping, if they meekly comply with their demands or risk economical disaster.
The State Department most recent catalog include countries as diverse as Cuba, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Afghanistan, Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and Yemen.
Although it is Cuba who has been under a fifty year asphyxiating embargo, was invaded at the Bay of Pigs, suffered the first bioterrorism attack in this hemisphere in 1971 and five successive ones, had an airliner blown-up in mid-air causing the death of 73 passengers, have suffered over 100 billion in financial damages, had 14,000 children under 17 years of age literally kidnapped under a CIA inspired Peter Pan project in 1962 and have promoted the illegal exodus of thousands of professionals trained in Cuba at no charge, to migrate to the enticing US job market.
Additionally, hundreds of millions of tax dollars are spent every year under the watchful eyes of US-AID, NED and fake foundations to keep Radio & TV Marti on the air for 25 years with no listeners; by pumping tons of subversive, pornographic, escapists and violent videos into Cuba, intended to corrupt the minds of teenagers, where no school have lost a child due to Columbine-type school violence in fifty years.
A well funded, twenty year old effort by the State Department to divide Cuba along racial lines is in full gear, attempting to re-enact the racial massacre of 1912, when over 3000 blacks were butchered with absolute impunity in eastern Cuba.
Yet it is the state of Florida and not Cuba, who harbors renowned terrorist Luis Posada Carriles and Dr. Orlando Bosch who have said publicly, "we placed the bomb in the airline killing 73, so what?"
It is Florida not Cuba, where General Vides Cassanova and Guillermo Garcia who murdered over 30,000 Salvadorians have found safe haven and live as celebrities with other graduates of the infamous School of the Americas, who have terrorized Latin America for half a century.
Name calling has always been easy.
Alberto N. Jones
A unilateral, absurd and baseless set of assumptions are used every year by bureaucrats of the US State Department, to label primarily small and poor nations around the world as Sponsors of Terrorism or quietly remove them from this financially crippling grouping, if they meekly comply with their demands or risk economical disaster.
The State Department most recent catalog include countries as diverse as Cuba, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Afghanistan, Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and Yemen.
Although it is Cuba who has been under a fifty year asphyxiating embargo, was invaded at the Bay of Pigs, suffered the first bioterrorism attack in this hemisphere in 1971 and five successive ones, had an airliner blown-up in mid-air causing the death of 73 passengers, have suffered over 100 billion in financial damages, had 14,000 children under 17 years of age literally kidnapped under a CIA inspired Peter Pan project in 1962 and have promoted the illegal exodus of thousands of professionals trained in Cuba at no charge, to migrate to the enticing US job market.
Additionally, hundreds of millions of tax dollars are spent every year under the watchful eyes of US-AID, NED and fake foundations to keep Radio & TV Marti on the air for 25 years with no listeners; by pumping tons of subversive, pornographic, escapists and violent videos into Cuba, intended to corrupt the minds of teenagers, where no school have lost a child due to Columbine-type school violence in fifty years.
A well funded, twenty year old effort by the State Department to divide Cuba along racial lines is in full gear, attempting to re-enact the racial massacre of 1912, when over 3000 blacks were butchered with absolute impunity in eastern Cuba.
Yet it is the state of Florida and not Cuba, who harbors renowned terrorist Luis Posada Carriles and Dr. Orlando Bosch who have said publicly, "we placed the bomb in the airline killing 73, so what?"
It is Florida not Cuba, where General Vides Cassanova and Guillermo Garcia who murdered over 30,000 Salvadorians have found safe haven and live as celebrities with other graduates of the infamous School of the Americas, who have terrorized Latin America for half a century.
Name calling has always been easy.

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